Sunday 16 March 2008

From Shatha

We profited a good deal from the journey, our personal experience was great, the other thing was this journey made some things true that I had only dreamed of

Always I wanted international support for the Palestinians and on this trip I talked about Palestinian life and so that people could know about our life and how we live under apartheid worse than South African apartheid. We helped the students here to strengthen their understanding of the issue. Our experience here gave us a feeling of responsibility to go ahead with the twinning work and we really understood how useful it is to us.

I really loved the sea at Dawlish and I loved SOAS because there was a really strong relationship between us and the people there, and I felt that there was a genuine link. Because there were people with us and also people against us, it was honest.

Sometimes I didn’t believe that people would listen to me, but their reaction was positive. I feel that we did something serious and useful.

I want to talk about the people we stayed with, all of them are great.

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